Autodesk autocad certification exam
Autodesk autocad certification exam

autodesk autocad certification exam

You ignore the questions that actually have wrong answers It's just a very badly written set of questions & a very unfair task How is anybody who doesn't remember AutoCAD from before Mtext or 3D modelling & does not have the latitude of a high score manage to pass the exam? My concern is about other users who haven't been using AutoCAD for as long & so don't know about obsolete(?) tools such as single line text (why not use Mtext?) or ISO planes (3D modelling - ISOplanes were a feature before we had 3D modelling, which was then an add-on called AME) My concern is not whether I can pass this exam - I know about Isoplanes & single line text (I remember the " Text" command) - if I fail - bugger it I'm 62, I'm retiring anyway! I worked as a consultant for most of the Authorised Training Centres in the UK I worked as a consultant trainer for Autodesk for years - teaching their trainers to use their AutoCAD. I have used AutoCAD since 1980s - before we had Windows, before we had dialog boxes, the days of 7 only colours I re-took it and concentrated and got 50 from 55 - I think probably 3 or 4 of those were badly phrased / incorrect

autodesk autocad certification exam

Yes - I got 45 from 55 first time (I was doing it while waiting for my Monday delegates & distracted - 3 or 4 were "read the bloody question dummy")

Autodesk autocad certification exam